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Interannual variability(IAV) in the barrier layer thickness(BLT) and forcing mechanisms in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean(EEIO) and Bay of Bengal(BoB) are examined using monthly Argo data sets during 2002–2017. The BLT during November–January(NDJ) in the EEIO shows strong IAV, which is associated with the Indian Ocean dipole mode(IOD), with the IOD leading the BLT by two months. During the negative IOD phase, the westerly wind anomalies driving the downwelling Kelvin waves increase the isothermal layer depth(ILD). Moreover, the variability in the mixed layer depth(MLD) is complex. Affected by the Wyrtki jet, the MLD presents negative anomalies west of 85°E and strong positive anomalies between 85°E and 93°E. Therefore, the BLT shows positive anomalies except between 86°E and 92°E in the EEIO. Additionally, the IAV in the BLT during December–February(DJF) in the BoB is also investigated. In the eastern and northeastern BoB, the IAV in the BLT is remotely forced by equatorial zonal wind stress anomalies associated with the El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO). In the western BoB, the regional surface wind forcing-related ENSO modulates the BLT variations.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study are carried out a series of controlled large wave flume experiments using fine-grained sediment from the Huanghe River Delta, exploring the complete sequence of sediment behavior in the bottom boundary layer(BBL) during wave-induced liquefaction. The results show that:(1) The BBL in silty seabed is exposed to a progressive wave, goes through a number of different stages including compaction before liquefaction, sediment liquefaction, and compaction after liquefaction, which determines the range and thickness of BBL.(2) With the introduction of waves, first, the sediment surface has settled by an amount S(S=1–2 cm) in the course of wave loadings with an insufficient accumulation of pore water pressure. And a thin high concentration layer formed the near-bed bottom.(3) Once the liquefaction sets in, the liquefied sediment with an ‘orbital motion' and the sub-liquefied sediment form a two-layer-sediment region. The range of BBL extends downwards and stopped at a certain depth, subsequently, develops upwards with the compaction process. Meanwhile, resuspended sediments diffuse to the upper water column.(4) During the dynamics process of the BBL beneath progressive waves, the re-suspended sediment increment ranked as sediment liquefaction erosion before liquefaction compaction after liquefaction.  相似文献   
The effect of river runoff over the northern Indian Ocean(NIO) especially over the Bay of Bengal(Bo B) has been studied using global Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean(NEMO). Two sensitivity experiments, with and without river runoff are conducted and the influence of river runoff on the Indian Ocean hydrography,stratification and circulation features are studied. It is found that due to river runoff surface salinity over the northern Bo B decreases by more than 5 and the East India Coastal Current strengthens by 2 cm/s during post monsoon season. The fresh river water reaches up to 15°N in the Bo B and is the main cause for low salinity there.Sea surface temperature in the northwestern Bo B increases by more than 0.2℃ due to the river runoff in summer monsoon while surface cooling upto 0.2℃ is seen in north-west part of Bo B in winter season. The seasonal mixed layer depth in the region is found to be dependent on river runoff. The effect of vertical shear and Brunt Vaisala frequency on stratification is also examined. The ocean water becomes highly stratified up to 3 035 m due to the river runoff. It is found that the energy required for mixing is high in the northern and coastal Bo B.  相似文献   
青岛地区海雾多发,观测表明海雾对沿海地区影响范围不尽相同,特别是海雾影响内陆的机理尚缺乏研究。本文利用观测资料及数值模式统计了青岛地区4月-7月海雾分布特征,并对不同影响范围海雾典型个例进行对比分析,结果表明:海雾发生日数自沿海向内陆递减。胶州湾沿岸雾日数比黄海沿岸明显减少,胶州湾东北部的雾日数要少于胶州湾西北部。海雾多发生于高空形势稳定,低层偏南流场的天气条件下。大气边界层内逆温层的的范围大致影响着海雾的分布。只影响沿海的海雾,地面为偏南风,风速在3~8 m/s之间,内陆风力减弱不明显。500 m以下大气边界层内风速切变大。湍流作用使海雾向内陆推进过程中倾斜抬升为低云,地面雾区减弱。能够影响内陆地区的海雾,多出现在地面风力较弱的情况之下,大部分在1~3 m/s之间。500 m以下大气边界层内风速切变小,大气边界层内湍流强度不强,使沿海到内陆的逆温层能够始终维持,沿海海雾在弱南风影响下延伸影响内陆地区。  相似文献   
在广东实现“四个走在全国前列”的时代需求下,茂名应着力建设现代化海洋经济体系。近年来,茂名海洋经济总量快速增长、海洋经济体系基本形成、海洋创新成果初具规模、海洋生态建设成效显著、海洋管理能力不断增强,奠定了建设现代化海洋经济体系的基础,但也面临着海洋经济规模偏小且结构不够合理、现代化海洋产业进程缓慢、现代化海洋经济发展动力不足且受到制约和缺乏保障等问题。未来应从加快供给侧改革、实施创新驱动、推进开放合作、优化海洋生态系统和完善体制机制等方面寻求茂名建设现代化海洋经济体系的路径策略。  相似文献   
为了探讨广东雷州珍稀海洋生物国家级自然保护区海域水体和沉积物中石油类的含量及其分布特征,文章于2017年和2018年分别对保护区海域的石油类进行了调查。结果表明,保护区表层水体石油类含量为0.003~0.066mg/L,平均含量为0.015mg/L,平均污染指数为0.30,保护区水体中的石油类基本符合一类海水水质标准。保护区表层沉积物中石油类含量为3.0~54.8mg/kg,平均值为11.109mg/kg,符合海洋沉积物第一类质量标准。保护区水体和沉积物中石油类含量的变化规律基本相似,但是沉积物中石油类含量的变化更大。根据调查数据分析,保护区水体中石油类的主要来源是保护区社区小型渔船航行排放的石油类,以及保护区周边渔船在航行过程排放的石油类扩散到保护区海域。  相似文献   
文章结合国家有关海洋生态文明建设的要求和澳门海域实际情况,分析海域对于澳门经济社会发展的重要意义,明确“十四五”时期海洋生态环境保护的应对策略,包括:强化海洋空间管控,构建绿色发展格局;开展岸线整治修复,实施生态恢复工程;维护滨海湿地功能,推动海湾综合治理;建设旅游基础设施,发展海洋旅游市场;实施污染联防联控,有效推动公众参与。同时,结合澳门实际情况,提出中长期海洋生态环境保护策略,助力澳门在新时代“粤港澳大湾区”和“一带一路”建设中发挥更大作用。  相似文献   
海洋经济创新发展对粤港澳大湾区创新驱动、打造具有国际竞争力的科技创新中心具有重要意义。文章介绍粤港澳大湾区当前的海洋经济创新发展情况及其优势和不足,从构建大湾区海洋创新发展产业链、驱动陆海科技创新一体化、完善科技创新驱动体制机制和推动科技金融服务蓝色经济发展等方面,提出粤港澳大湾区海洋经济创新发展的突破要点和路径。  相似文献   
随着社会经济的发展和海洋资源开发利用水平的提高,海上人工构筑物呈现种类、数量和规模都迅速增长的态势。但目前我国大部分海上构筑物尚未纳入统一的管理体系,导致管理权限不清和管理环节缺位。文章分析我国海上构筑物管理的现状和存在的问题,从海洋管理实践出发,对海上构筑物管理进行有益探索,提出在协调众多涉海部门的基础上,从审批、登记、竣工验收、弃置管理、事中事后监管等方面,解决最紧迫的管理需求,先易后难地完善海上构筑物管理的缺位环节,逐步建立和完善海上构筑物管理制度体系,更好地服务于海洋经济建设。  相似文献   
广东省作为海洋强省,海洋经济总量连续多年居全国首位,不断助力海洋强国建设。海洋生态环境的有效保护是海洋经济高质量发展的重要前提,文章在分析广东省近年来海洋生态环境状况、面临的机遇和挑战的基础上,提出海洋生态环境保护的建议,主要包括:健全源头管控,制定各类型入海排污口管控措施,实施动态监管;开展入海江河整治,减少入海营养盐负荷,逐步建立“河长制”和“湾长制”的衔接机制;加强用海风险防范,严控海洋环境风险,构建事前防范、事后管控、事后处置的全过程海洋生态风险防范体系;实施洁净海岸带工程,强化海洋生态修复,提升公众亲海岸线的生态空间品质;强化海洋资源高效利用,坚持海洋经济绿色发展,加快推动海洋经济高质量发展;推动人才队伍建设,保障监测技能提能增效,提升全省海洋环境监测信息化水平。  相似文献   
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